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Photography Question 

Romen Vargas

Need Help With Scanning

I need help with scanning. When I look at winners all their photos have great colour and it looks really crisp. My images however look all grubby and the colours are all wrong when compared to the print. First of all I scan my pics this way.
I send them to Rabbit Photo (for anyone in Aus) and they have a film scanner. I pay like $10 (about $6 US) to get the film scanned and the images put onto CD as a JPEG. The JPEG is a 500ish dpi image of the neg. I get them back and they look way different from the print (that I get from somewhere else). The colour saturation is different, the contrast is different, etc. To illustrate the difference I included 2 winners from onlinephotocontest and 2 of my images (I wish I could post what my prints look like but I have a crappy 8 bit scanner ;p) hope someone can help out here. (I hope it still comes out okay with the 300 pixel wide limit)

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January 03, 2001


Ken Pang
  Hi Romen, it seems like nobody is getting any photos up on the site :(

Anyway, the simplest solution is to go to another place. Anywhere which charges only $10 per roll, which includes the CD, is obviously not paying any attention to the quality. It costs about AUD$2 for a CD anyway. They probably just have a neg scanner that has a script to automatically burn, and the scanner isn't set up correctly for contrast and brightness.

The place I go to in Double Bay (Sydney) charges $10 per frame! ($360 per roll for a 36 exposure!) But the image quality is perfect, they save in TIFF format to ensure no compression artefacts. There is also never any dust on the image - ever. Also, they scan to a much higher resolution so I can use them for anything. A typical image comes out about 75Mb. They also set the image a touch lighter than necessary on screen so that it prints properly on my printer. How's that for service? :)

I'm starting to do more of my own work, especially for the easy stuff, but I've gone to them for a while and they have never let me down.

I think their name is deja image or something.

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January 03, 2001


Romen Vargas
  Thanks for the tip Kenneth...I'll check em out right away...but yeah pity the pic uploads didn't work else you coulda seen the quality of the scans.
Thanks again!

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January 03, 2001


Ken D. Brown
  Well there is one way that might fix this. You can download a photo edit program and adjust the contrast,color, ect to get great colors and photos. It'll take a little practice, and I'm sure you can figure this one out
Best Ken

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February 20, 2001

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