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Photography Question 

Gagan S. Matharoo

Canon 1Dx vs 1D Mark4

HI all

I am getting a great deal on a used Canon 1 D Mark4 ( used 10k shutters).

Can you all help me in deciding if the Mark4 against the 1DX.
I am into wildlife photography as a hobby.


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August 08, 2013


Jeff E Jensen
  That's a tough question, Gagan. Spec for spec, the 1Dx will out do the 1D IV. To start with, you've got a full frame sensor with better ISO performance, frame rate, etc. That being said, the 1D Mk IV is an amazing body that you won't be disappointed in, especially if you are getting a good deal. You can probably end up with some new glass to go with the Mk IV with what you would pay for the 1Dx.

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August 26, 2013

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