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How would I get my own book?

I am interested in making my own coffee table book, how would I go about getting this done. What publishers would be the best at this? Just looking for any advice on getting this done. Thanks

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May 06, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I have run across publishers on the web that can do this. You can also search your area for local publishers. The thing to keep in mind is that this is a risky proposition. You will probably have to make a run of so many books. Which means you will have an inventory of books that you have bought and paid for that you must then market and find a home for. Then you have to pray somebody buys them. It's very speculative.

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May 07, 2002


Tom G. Smith
  Not sure you're still looking, but I came across this deal on msn. Prices start at $29.95 for a coffee table book. Hope it helps.

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August 10, 2002

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