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Photography Question 

Cheri Lyn Hauschild

is f/1.4 on a 50 mm lens...

is f/ 1.4 too much on a 50 mm lens for taking pictures in a bar, should it be a higher #? (how did u guess I have no ides what I am doing? ) I got the 50mm lens, the fast fast what is an appropriate setting if I am using 1600 speed color and 3200 speed black and white film. I have a Nikon N60 which doesnt allow me to push film..Thanks for all the help....

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May 03, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  The higher the f # the smaller the aperture and consequently the less light it lets in. If you are taking pictures in low light you want a larger aperture (smaller number). f1.4 is pretty good. There are f1.2's and Canon even makes an f1.0 (I've seen an f0.7 even). But once you start getting into those lenses you are talking big bucks. f1.4 is very respectable.

As far as settings go, without knowing the scene I'd have no way of telling you what to set your exposure at. That's what your light meter is for. I don't know anything about your particular camera so all I can say is learn how to meter and go from there.

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May 04, 2002

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