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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Joseph Wigfall

Course Requirements for Understanding Exposure

Regarding the Understanding Exposure workshop - What are the requirements for the course? What equipment will I need to complete the projects, forward my work, be evaluated, etc. - besides a computer?

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April 15, 2002 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Hi Jos,

Great question - I will be sure to add it to the Bryan's course Q&A.

All you really need for Bryan's course is a camera that allows you to control aperture and shutter speed. A tripod will come in handy.

On the technical end of things, all you need is Internet access (which you have if you are reading this on the Web). Whether you use Mac or Windows XP or another operating system, you will be able to send in your work, get critiqued, and read the course questions and answers.

You will need a way to digitize your images, of course - a digital camera, a scanner, or a scanning service at your local photo lab or copy shop will do the job.

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April 16, 2002

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