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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

about scanning TPs

is it possible to scan TPs in the same scanner in which Prints are scanned?

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April 14, 2002


John A. Lind
Had to think about this one before what you meant with "TP" sank in (transparency). Where I'm from, TP = toilet paper. :-)

Yes, it can be scanned on a flatbed, but it requires an "adapter." Most look like an odd shaped pyramid. The transparency is placed on the bed and the "pyramid" device on top of it. The adapter reflects the scanner light back through the transparency. These usually don't work nearly as well as a dedicated film scanner. Consider the resolution you get from a 1x1.5 inch 35mm transparency at the highest dpi the flatbed can scan. Contact the scanner manufacturer to see if they have this type of "adpater" for it (don't know what else to call it). It's usually an accessory that does not come with the scanner.

-- John

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April 15, 2002

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