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Photography Question 


best way to charge for services...

Hi everyone, I have some questions on pricing. I get so confused on the best way to charge people for my services. I shoot a lot of local bands, I normally charge 50.00 session,1 location, 1 roll, bw or color, with approx 15 4x6 proofs Is this to low a price? And do I charge extra for them to keep the proofs? I usually let them keep the proofs but should I not do this? Should I be charging them like 3.00 a piece for them or what? I try to make at least 15.00 hr but like to make 20.00/hr and profits from sells. If I shoot 2 rolls, I charge 75.00 w/approx 20-25 4x6 proofs. Is this a good way to go? And when is it ok to sell a negative? Sometimes the bands want to buy the negs due to mass reproduction for promo packs. Is there any reason I cant do the promo packs and keep the rights and still profit? Or is it best to sell the neg with a specific rule that they add a credit byline on every copy? I feel if I dont sell the neg, they will just scan the image, load on a disk and take it somewhere to be printed and then I dont make any profit(this has happen to me and I feel so uncomfortable sometimes when discussing this issue with the customer).
And if I do sell a negative, Is it ok to cut them? I thought that your not suppose to cut them,so how do u sell just one? And how much should I sell it for?? I just really need to know the absolute best way to charge. Can anyone help me on this please? This has been driving me nuts for a while.
Thanks in advance and I appreciate all your help!

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April 14, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I'm not really crazy about discussing price issues on an open forum like this but I would be happy to share any insights I may have with you via email. Feel free to contact me @ if you are interested.

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April 14, 2002

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