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Photography Question 

Pradeep Ganesh

Which lens is better

Between the 28-80 AF lenses which come with Nikon n65 (nikor lens) and minolta maxum 5 (minolta lens), is there one which is better than other ? This would be one of the deciding factors in chosing N65 and minolta camera kits

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April 03, 2002


Djordje S. Kis

Both are consumer-grade lens, compact, light weight, with a plastic mount, not so high rated, but useful for amateurs.

Better choice are the older versions 28-70 f/3,5-4,5. They usually have 12-13 lenses and are better corrected.

The best relation price/quality you will get with standard 50mm f/1,8 lens.

If it is not too expensive for you, try to purchase 28-105, or 24-85 lenses.


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September 27, 2002

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