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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Carolina K. Smith

Epson 2200 and Matte Black on GLOSSY paper

I know one is supposed to be able to swap between Photo Black and Matte Black on the Epson 2200. I have not yet tried this, because it seems as if the opened ink sitting out would somehow dry out or increase the risk of clogged heads because of exposure to air. (Has anyone actually regularly swapped these two inks?)

My real question is, Has anyone tried printing on the premium GLOSSY paper with Matte Black ink?

I still have a lot of Photo Black left, but I am going to switch to printing predominately on Matte paper with only an occasional glossy 4x6, Thus I want to keep the Matte Black resident in the printer.

If I were to swap out the cartridges, it seems that the one left out, even though wrapped, would somehow dry out, especially if only used occasionally, as in the Photo Black sitting on the shelf.

This is why I am wondering if anyone has printed on glossy paper w/matte black ink. Thanks for any input.

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June 10, 2004


Carolina K. Smith
  P.S. I know you can use Photo Black on Matte paper, but I want the deeper black that you get with Matte Black on matte paper, so that is why I'm switching to Matte Black, in general.

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June 10, 2004

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