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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Sue LaBeaume

10 D malfunction?

After 4 months, my new 10D has suddenly malfunctioned. Does anyone know why it's doint this? See attached photo.
Sue LaBeaume

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June 06, 2004


Sue LaBeaume
I'll try to attach the photo again!

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June 06, 2004


Sue LaBeaume
Still can't seem to attach the photo. It won't let me choose a camera---Canon 10D. It would be easy to see the problem, if I could upload the picture. I'll try to explain it as best I can----
The photo processes well about halfway through the picture. Then a series of lines creates the rest of the picture. The picture is still visible, and prints out pretty well, but does change the color slightly for the half of the picture that has the lines in it.

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June 06, 2004


Sue LaBeaume
  Still can't seem to attach the photo. It won't let me choose a camera---Canon 10D. It would be easy to see the problem, if I could upload the picture. I'll try to explain it as best I can----
The photo processes well about halfway through the picture. Then a series of lines creates the rest of the picture. The picture is still visible, and prints out pretty well, but does change the color slightly for the half of the picture that has the lines in it.

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June 06, 2004

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