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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Kasey A. Myrick

Color Chemicals for my darkroom

I have my own darkroom, and I print black and white. I have a color head enlarger and I was wondering if there is such a thing as color chemicals (besides those for a RA-4 processor)that I can mix and use in trays. If there is, where can I purchase them? Links to websites would be great.

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June 05, 2004


Jon Close
  Why not RA-4? It's the most common process for color prints from color negatives. Jobo has a kit for hobbyist:

Info on Kodak chemicals can be found here:

Info on Agfa's Process 94 (compatible with RA-4) here:

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June 05, 2004


Kasey A. Myrick
  I can't afford a RA-4 processor that's why :(

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June 05, 2004

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