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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Marcellino P

please does anybody knows about pentax lenses?

Nobody seems to know it, I would appreciate very much your professional help about pentax K lenses. What is the best pentax K smc 50 mm? What's the best pentax K zoom? What' s the best wide one? Also what is a good tripod for pentax and canon cameras?
Thank you!

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June 03, 2004


doug Nelson
  Do a google search on Pentax lenses and see dimitrov's web page on Pentax. Follow his links to more information. I have always heard that the Pentax K 50mm 1.4 is the lens of choice. A highly regarded wide was the 28mm f 3.5, also rather cheap these days. Bogen tripods are reasonably priced and quite adequate for 35mm. Mine was about 150 new with a good head. They are considerably cheaper used.

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June 07, 2004


Marcellino P
  Thank you very much! It was of a great help.

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June 07, 2004

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