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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Claire E. Smith

shutter sppeed light borker, pentax me

hi, im 16 and my mo just kind of gave me her old pentax me super... I dont kow much about cameras but i'm really intereste din learning, when you look inside the veiw thign, theres the shutter speed numbers on the side, and there is suppsoed to be a light that switches to a certain number, and the pentax me super doesnt have a shutter speed thing u can switch to if thats broken, will my pictures still come out if I do an ff stop of 2 while taking pictures indoors? sorry that was a complicated question

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June 03, 2004


  Hi Claire,

There is a manual of your camera that you can download from Pentax web site. I believe it has all the information you need. If not, you can always ask your questions here. The site:

Go down to the SLR section and your camera is listed there. Have fun with your camera.

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June 04, 2004

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