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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Fuji Discovery S1450 zoom won't advance film

My fuji S1450 has all of a sudden stopped loading the film, although it sounds as though it has. It seems like its never picking it up on the spool & I know it's being pulled far enough across. Everything else is still working fine, flash, shutter, zoom.... please give me some suggestions. thanks.

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May 25, 2004


  i have same problem with my fujica st801, a camera that I love...i love the size, the optics, the incomparable metering. BUT, I hate the film advance problem. it's downright maddening...both the problem and the apparent inability for anyone local to venture a fix. I have been told "throw it out." AArrgghhh...Chris will fix it for over $150, plus shipping. good luck!!

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June 24, 2004

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