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Photography Question 

Marianne Miss Leather

Flash Recycling Times for Weddings

Hi there. I've recently bought a Nikon SB800 flash for my Nikon F90X to photograph weddings. But I'm very disappointed with the recycling times; after my first wedding with this flash, I found that the second or third picture that I took in a sequence (i.e., the exchanging of rings or speech shots) would come out underexposed - I assume because the flash hasn't recycled quick enough. I had practiced beforehand with the flash, but hadn't realized this to be a problem. Do any other photographers find this a problem when it is necessary to use a flash in a wedding, and does anyone have a solution??

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May 20, 2004


Jon Close
  Are you using the SD-800 Quick Recycling Battery Pack, which adds a 5th AA cell to speed recycling? Rechargeable Ni-Cd or Ni-MH batteries will recycle in about half the time of alkalines (but have shorter life before needing to be recharged).

Otherwise you need a high-power external battery pack, like Nikon's SD-8A, those offered by Quantum Instruments and others, or a do-it-yourself rig (link) if you are clever and not concerned with warranties and such. ;)

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May 20, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
  I had that problem, too, when I first got my new flash. I have found that batteries differ a lot between brands. Duracell has been the best workhorse for me.

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May 20, 2004


Marianne Miss Leather
  Thanks for your responses. I do use the 5th battery, and have been using Jessops rechargeable Ni-MH. I hadn't thought about using a different brand - maybe Jessops are slower than others. I may also try the external battery pack. Many thanks.

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May 21, 2004


Jay Lomahan
  I have the SD800 as well, in addition I use the Nikon SD-8A. I highly recommend this.

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May 25, 2004

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