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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Janet Mayer

Exposure problem with Canon Dig. Rebel

I have an ongoing problem with Canon Digital Rebel and 550x Speedlight Flash.
Last night I used the camera with the Canon 70-200 2.8 lens and got a better result.
I normally use the 28-105 3.5 Canon lens.
Obviously the 2.8 is a brighter and faster lens, but the camera does not seem to produce properly exposed shots with the 105 lens (usually underexposed -some severe) Two questions:

1)Does this meant that the camera is Not defective? I was thinking about sending it back to Canon to evaluate.

2)Bearing in mind that the camera works better with the 2.8 lens, anyone have suggestions for using the camera with the 105 lens? There is plenty of light in the situations I am shooting, but for some reason the camera cannot fully utilize this flash.


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May 11, 2004


Dave Cross
  Hi Janet.

Rest assured you are not alone, Canon's ETTL exposure system can be 'interesting'.

Have a look at this article:-


Dave C.

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May 19, 2004


Janet Mayer
  An update on the Dig. Rebel-After months of Canon telling me that nothing was wrong with the camera, I finally sent it in to be checked. Interestingly enough, they repaired BOTH the body and the Speedlite 550X. I am testing now..will let you know results.

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August 15, 2004

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