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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Dawn Balaban

Where to process slides at a good lab!

I don't think this is the correct catagory but here it goes. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good lab to process slides. I have about 800 shots that I need processed. The lab I use gets scrates on the slides alot and I want to go somewhere else. Anyone?

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May 02, 2004


John P. Sandstedt
  I'm having a bit of a problem understanding your question. If you are referring to processing an exposed roll of slide film, go to any Photography Magazine and order mailers from either Kodak or Fuji. I'm not sure whether they're offered by Agfa or Konica. The only problem you'll have with Kodak is timing - their labs process film picked up at photo shops preferentially. And, they already have your money. In more than thiry years, I've only "lost" one roll of film in the mails.

If you're speaking about making prints from slides, go to Slideprinter in Denver, CO. Check their web site for prices. Note they also process exposed slide film, but I've never tried that part of their service. The prints, though, are magnificent.

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May 06, 2004


Dawn Balaban
  Thank You for your help John

Dawn Balaban

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May 10, 2004

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