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Photography Question 

Marica Swanepoel

Filter problems(stuck)

HI I have a Canon Rebel EOS.(28-90mm lens)
And I don't know what happened to it, but I wanted to take the filter of and it was jammed. It is scew on the tread. And I tried to turn it off, but it is impossible.
So how do get a filter off that is stuck? I can always try to wedge something in between the filter and the lens to get it off. Then I will damage the tread....
So what to do? What to do?
If I take it back to were I bought the camera, not even a year ago(still under warranty) will they be able to fix it??Because it is stuck due to my own stupidity and not workmanship...
Help please!!

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April 18, 2004


Bob Cammarata
Though I've never tried this myself,...this little tip might help:..

15. Filters Stuck?
I've cut squares of old elastic exercise bands and put them right in my filter case. They are extremely light and very convenient. Easy to use two at a time, one on each filter, and whala!
Kris S. Morgan

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April 18, 2004


Marica Swanepoel
Please explain. Were do I get elastic exercise bands? I am not very sporty so I don't have a clue what you are refering to. (is it the bands you put around your wrists?)
And what do I do with it? Put it on the filter when I turn it so that I will have grip?
I have tried to use some cloth to hold on to it. I even asked my dad, to have a try to get it of.

Thanx for your time

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April 18, 2004


John Wright
  I can empathize...
Have you tried turning it by placing your palm over the entire filter and using your palm as a grip. Doing this gives more even pressure to the surface of the filter. Try to keep the camera as level as possible when doing this. When you turn, try to not put too much downward pressure. You might also try rocking the filter gently from side to side while attempting to turn.
Good luck!

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April 18, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Sorry Marica, if I was too vague, as I copied and pasted Kris' tip from BP's "Tip of the Day" list.

There was another suggestion by Brenda Tharpe in tne same forum about using those square rubber jar opening grips to loosen stuck filters.

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April 19, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
  I have jammed my filter on my camera too, but I did it by dropping my camera. I took the whole camera to a camera store and they had a tool to remove the filter.
The store I went to was a local shop specializing in cameras, so you probably need to find someone like that in your area.
Good luck

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April 30, 2004


Marica Swanepoel
  Ya Thanks Rhonda.
I took my camera to a registered "camera-repairman" And he said the only way to get it off is to cut the filter off, and that will cost me $20. And then I have to buy a new filter aswell.
I will take camera there as soon as I completed the film in it. It will take a few days to fix, he said.

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May 05, 2004

- Susan Jane Allen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Jane Allen
Susan Jane Allen's Gallery
  Well, so proud of myself--little old unscientific me found a great, unintrusive way to get my stuck filter off. Who would have thought... In my case, I had dropped it, the glass in the filter broke--but my tank of a Canon 100-400 was fine--second time this has happened. Anyway, VERY carefully got all the glass out. After several days of attempts and other people attempting to budge the filter, I started thinking that metal expands with heat, and the filter rim is metal... Then I thought of these little pillow things we use in China to heat up our beds, so plugged it in and when it was hot, pressed the top of the lens, where the filter is, against it. And then, like magic, I was able to unscrew my filter!

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January 26, 2010


Alice A. Meronek
  I got one of those wrenches just for removing stuck filters, actually there are two and you twist one one way and hold the other still.
Sounds like those dry heat pads for your shoulder or hand would work too. My filters stick when I put them on hot outside and come into the cooler house.

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March 24, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
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  Heat works!! I just used my heating pad. It didn't take much, but it came right off. And that was after I tried the bands, the jar top remover, etc etc etc..

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March 25, 2011

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