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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Nicole Boenig-McGrade

Calibrating Computer Screens

Hi everyone,
I would like to know how to calibrate my computer screen so that when I am adjusting colours in Photoshop they are as close to true colours in my images as I can get.
Any ideas are most welcome.
Thank you again for your trusty support everyone at Betterphoto! This site just keeps on getting better!
Kind regards, Nicole from West Australia

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April 14, 2004


Randall Ellis
  To start you can use a program called 'quickgamma' which is free and will do a pretty good job. If you feel that you want to get something more advanced after getting the feel of this program, I would suggest doing looking into a spider. This is a device that you put on your monitor and in conjunction with software will calibrate your monitor to a high degree. Before you spend money, I would try the free program first and then see if you feel that further control is needed.

- Randy

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October 28, 2004

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