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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Diane T. Phillips

Camera Malfunction

My N70 Nikon went down. I had just loaded a roll and was on frame 5 when it malfunctioned. (Err and low batt) showed in LCD panel. It would not advance or rewind. I removed film and put in new batteries, with same results. The shutter is locked, the LCD panel does not show all functions. The camera is 6 yrs. old, handled very, very carefully and I am the original owner. Any suggestions on the problem or who would be a reliable repair source. Also, are they generally worth repairing or should I consider just replacing with an N80? Thank you. Diane

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April 05, 2004



I just had the exact same problem, and this is how I solved it. Try pressing the "film rewind" buttons. Hold them down until the "Err" message clears off. It may be that the camera thinks that the film hasn't completely rewound. Good luck! Brian

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April 22, 2004


Diane T. Phillips
  Thank you for your response Brian. Wish I had the same results as you. Unfortunately it didn't work on my camera. I'm pretty certain that it needs professional help.

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April 24, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Diane: Generally this type of problem can be solved by removing the battery for a few minutes.

Assuming your battery is not dead, or close to it.

If that does not solve the problem, the camera will need repair work.

Cheers! Peter Burian

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April 28, 2004

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