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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Shaun C. Smith

Digital Rebel & Canon 100 - 400mm L IS USM Issue

Just purchased this new lens. Have had my Rebel for almost 6 months...

This lens does not seem to work right. Does not want to Autofocus at all. Just clicks when I go to take a picture. Tried all different camera settings.

Almost seems as though the lens is messed up. Sometimes, gives me an Error 99. Solution to that error says remove and re-insert battery. Do that and still no luck.

I plug a different lens in (28-135 IS) and it works just fine.

Any ideas... thought maybe it was a compatibility issue, but according to Canon's Web Site, all EOS lenses are compatible with the Digital Rebel.


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April 01, 2004

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