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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Can Lens be fixed/ cleaned?

I have an older Nikkor lens - about 20 years old. I just got it out and am starting to get back into using my manual focus 35 mm camera. My question is this. My lens appears to have mold or something inside it. I can see is when I look into the back of the lens - kinda like a gray film with spots. Can this be cleaned? Is this expensive? Would I be better off buying a new lens? It is a NIkkor 50mm 1:1.8. Thanks in advance for your help! Michele

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March 23, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Yes it can be cleaned, but it could have left a permanent spot on the coating of the lens.
Yes it is expensive. A manual focus may not be as much as an auto focus to clean, because you have to take so many things apart to get at the elements. But the labor you pay for is what will make it so expensive.
But since it's a 50mm, I think you can buy that easily for under a $100.
But if the mold dosen't affect the picture, then it's still usable.

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March 23, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  I agree that it's better ...(and probably cheaper), to replace the lens than to have it serviced.

I have a similar Nikkor 50 mm which I now use inverted as a loupe to examine my slides.

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March 23, 2004

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