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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Terry Lennox

Buying Backgrounds

Hi , Ive recently purchased a few backgrounds as ive just set up a home studio- lol I was pretty shocked though by the price of what appears to be just cloth - Is it possible to buy just rolls or lengths of cloth to make these backgrounds with - ive searched some stores but cant find any with the widths or lengths I need 10 foot wide by 16 ft long . Or has anybody found any other way to make more cost effective backgrounds ??

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March 22, 2004


John Wright
  A visit to a fabric store sounds in order...

I've created my own backdrops using white muslin and using dye (like tie dye).

You might also find some fabric that has a nice look without the need to dye it.

There is an article here on betterphoto that describes the process (and is how I found betterphoto recently):

make a backdrop

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March 22, 2004 - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Pamela C.M Lammersen
Pamela C.M Lammersen's Gallery
  painters drop cloths make good back drops also. they come in many different sizes (from Home Depot and such) also different thicknesses (get the thicker one).
otherwise fabric outletts have larger widths on their bolts and if you tell them what you want to do with them they will be able to show you exactly the area you need to be in.
'happy shopping'

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March 22, 2004


Tobias B. Beharrell
  Pamela L. had a great suggestion (above) regarding using painter's drop-cloths for backdrops. I have spent up to $90 for plain muslin from a fabric store, and it is very thin fabric. I recently went looking for drop cloths and, after disappointment at the price and color/s of them at some stores (up to $45!? (Would defeat the purpose) I found a fantastic, heavy canvas-type fabric drop cloth for just $15 at Cdn Tire. For my friends in the U.S., if at first you don't succeed in finding the right one at the right price, keep looking! I have been on this huge "make it myself" kick for a while now, and it's hard to believe the money one can save in this business! From homemade snoots to softboxes and backdrop-changers. P.S. While I'm at it, as a great way to change backgrounds quickly (in-studio) and inexpensively, I have a black one mounted to the wall itself, another color hanging from a simple curtain "I-channel" from the top of the wall near the ceiling in front of it, and room to add yet another. They pull back and forth wonderfully on their curtain tracks (with hooks attached to top of backdrop) and take up a LOT less room than even curtain rods do! Well... I bet I took up the 2.5MB max space allowable to post images here just on typing! ;) Cheers!

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April 15, 2004

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