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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Joy Fender

Problem with 420EX flash unit and G3

I have a PowerShot G3 and a 420EX flash unit. Whenever I use the flash unit, the camera seems to act like it doesn't know the flash is there. I've been trying to use the flash unit at night indoors. I want to illuminate the room just enough to make it seem almost like natural light...using the bounce method. I have accomplished this with my Rebel in the past.

The G3's display basically goes black and the exposure control shows -2. I'm trying to get the hang of doing my photos in manual, so using the exposure control doesn't work in manual mode.

Does anyone have this combination or a similar one and could maybe offer me some hints as to how to figure how to use these two together for the best results? I'm terribly frustrated at this point.


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March 14, 2004

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