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BetterPhoto Member

Repair of Olympus c-you C1 Zoom digital camera

Hi there, I have an Olympus Camedia Digital camera - C-1 Zoom.
The zoom has jammed and won't 'retreat' into the camera. Any ideas on how I can repair this myself? Proferssional repairs cost more than a replacement and since it was 100% before the zoom problem, I'm loathe to simply trash it.
Any advise would be appreciated.

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March 10, 2004


  Hi! I have the same camera with the same problem. Have You found a solution? I'm going to try to fix it tonight, I'll let you know if I succeed.

best regards

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July 28, 2004


  Okay, got the camera fixed now.

Tools needed:
-Small screwdriver (You know one of these
-Patience, and non-shaking hands

The procedure is as follows:

Remember I take no responsibility for camera failure, or damage. I'm not a camera technician, I'm just an ordinary guy who likes to fix broken things. :) Just use commmon sense when opening the camera, and You'll probably be fine. Try not to touch any optical things inside, like the CCD (the digital "film" behind the lens)

1.Open the camera, hard to find screws are under the flash and under the rubber protecting the usb and video ports

2.Once the camera shell is open, gently unplug the 3 white and pink power connectors on the upper side of the circuitboard, so that you can free the lid better.

3.Then just unscrew every screw on the circuit board that you can see from the top. Make sure You label them. I find it convenient to write a number on the board with a tiny marker, and then place the screws by the corresponding number on a double adhesive tape or so, so you know which is which. Just be sure to mark them correctly.

! One screw is under a circuit "bridge" a little plastic thingy with circuits printed in it, that connects the lcd display to the mainboard. gently open the connector and pull out the bridge. You'll know which one I mean.

4.Now the upper circuit board should be
loose. The only thing holding it back now is a white socket, but it should come out easliy.

5.You can now see the black lens housing, remove the three screws holding the lens (some are a bit deeper down, so you'll have to look a bit to see them. Just look carefully at how it's made and You'll figure out which screws to remove.

6. Once they are removed the only 2 things holding the lens assembly in place is the circuit strip going to the leds beside the viewfinder, this is just glued in place so remove gently. From the lens comes 2 similar bridges (Like the plastic circuits mentioned above) Slip open their sockets on the vertical (bottommost) circuitboard, and you should be able to remove the lens.

!There is a little black rubber thingy with a small glass sitting just back of the lens, (in front of the ccd when mounted) This thing falls out easilly, so just a warning here. I had the whole camera assembled before I realized I had a piece of glass lying beside the camera that should be located somewhere inside it :) So I had to open the damn thing once more ;)

7. Open the lens assembly by unscrewing the small black screws remaining.
You should now be able to re-seat the lens into its original zoom position (fully in). Just wiggle the lens around a bit and You should be able to make it find its place. Re-seat the little motor and gears carefully.

8.Then screw back every screw into it's right place.

9.If the camera works now, tell all your friends you were able to repair a digital camera, and smile happily ;) Have a beer

10. If the camera doesn't work, still drink the beer and make one more go, if it still doesn't work, build a rocket using the parts from it.

This made my camera happy, hope it works for You as well. Any questions, drop me a line here.

Good luck!

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July 28, 2004


  !! YOU WILL ALSO HAVE TO PRY THE CAMERA LENS COVER OPEN, OTHERWISE YOU WONT BE ABLE TO REACH SCREWS INSIDE THE MEM-CARD OPENING! This is because if the lens is out, the cover doesn't slide back long enough to make it possible to open the memory card lid. Inside here are 2 screws. Forgot about this earlier, sorry.

Also, I'm not a native english-speaker so I'm sorry for errors or hard-to-understand things.

Mmm, that beer I mentioned above tastes sweet now :)

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July 28, 2004

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