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BetterPhoto Member

Lens adapters

Does anyone know where I could find an adapter to allow the mounting of my older Konica (I think they are called K/AR) lenses on my Canon A1 body?


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March 01, 2004 - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Pamela C.M Lammersen
Pamela C.M Lammersen's Gallery
  Hello Ken
not sure which state you are in, I am in Minnesota and here National Camera Exchange would have them. But of course guessing you are no where near here I would suggest Samy's camera. they are out of Calafornia but will ship. they have a web site the people are very friendly, if they dont have it they will help you find it.
good luck!

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March 01, 2004


Jon Close
  Very unlikely you'll ever find such an adaptor. The lens flange to film distance for the Konica mount was shorter than for the Canon F mount, so an adapting a Konica lens to a Canon body would require optical elements to maintain infinity focus, and act as a teleconver with attendant f-stop conversion. Plus Konica lenses never sold in the numbers of Pentax or Nikon, so there would be extremely little demand for such an adaptor.

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March 01, 2004

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