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Photography Question 

Linda Flanagan

Troubleshooting Shutter Speed

Re: Nikon N80. I am an unexperienced photographer - rec'd Nikon N80 from my husband for Christmas because I want to learn about photography. I have had my camera for about a year but only recently started experimenting with manual settings. Yesterday, while attempting to set shutter speed - I was unable to set speed any faster than 30. I keep getting "bulb" message. Looked in manual, but still can't solve the problem. Is there something wrong with the camera? Makes no difference what the Fstop is set at - just won't go beyond 30 shutter speed in manual or "s" modes without displaying "bulb". Note: using 400 speed b&w ilford film. Help! Very frustrated.

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February 16, 2004


Jon Close
  Simply turn the adjustment dial the other direction. What you saw was 30 seconds then bulb, not 1/30. The fractions of a second will show in the display as just the denominator (250 for 1/250). For whole seconds there should be an additional mark by the number, such as 30" for 30 seconds.

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February 16, 2004


Linda Flanagan
  to John Close: Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Such a simple solution to a problem that was driving me crazy. Now I can sleep tonite! I think I'll keep my camera! THANKS AGAIN. P.S. Recommend any good books for my camera besides Lantern?

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February 16, 2004


Raquel S.
  Thom Hogan has an e-book called Complete Guide to the Nikon N80 that you will find very helpful! You can get it at His e-book (comes on CD) includes laminated reference cards for flash and custom settings.

Nikon also sells a video on the Nikon N-80. I like it because it shows you all the capabilities of the Nikon N80 that you can take advantage of. The Nikon Store sells them, but you may also find it on B&H Photo Video, Ebay, and other on-line retailers. The video makes a nice companion piece to Thom's e-book.

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February 17, 2004


Victor J.
  Linda, What Raquel S. recommended is excellent. In addition something much closer to home, read your manual, READ YOUR MANUAL. Every time you read it you'll get something out of it. Read the same pages over again. It will finally hit you. But of course you should be taking at least one or two rolls per week. In addition you should be recording every shot you take and number it to coincide with the number on the negative or the back of the print. Where you bring the film to be processed ask them not to make any corrections. Otherwise how will you know what you did on that particular shot. Of course this means you'll be shooting on manual all this time. If you are shooting on Auto, you then have a glamourous point and shoot camera. Your husband could have saved some money. Better Photo has a very good beginner's course, or you might check some Continuing Ed program at a local college. Vic

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February 22, 2004

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