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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Kelly S. Andrews

Epson 220 – Prints on Glossy paper look weird

I have used a Canon i950 for the past 8 months and I have loved it. It prints beautifully on matte and glossy papers. Because I sell my work and need to print larger sizes, I decided to upgrade my printer. After reading tons of reviews and recommendations from the pros here, I bought an Epson 2200, even though I was really tempted to buy a bigger Canon.

The matte paper in the Epson produced beautiful results, but the semi-gloss and gloss has an odd sheen and when you move the photo around under the light, you can see all of the edges of the different colors and it looks like the ink is just laying on top of the paper rather than being a normal photograph.

I checked the printed paper samples from Epson that came with the printer and their photos looked the same so I know the printer is fine, I just don’t like the way the photos look on Epson glossy paper as opposed to how the Canon glossy photos look. If you look at the images straight on, they look good – not any better than the Canon in my opinion.

I haven’t mounted and framed any of the images yet, however I am afraid that this same “look” will be seen if you view the photo from the side even after it is hung up. Does anybody else have any thoughts on this?

Additionally, the Epson 4x6 paper has perforated edges and I haven’t been able to properly print a 4x6 within the confines of this border. I am feeding in the correct direct using the guide paper and the dimensions of the photo in PS are definitely 4x6. I have tried borderless checked and unchecked. I haven’t been able to find any particular information on this in the manual yet – any suggestions?

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February 13, 2004

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