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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Jose A. Hernandez

Saving Technical Information for Each Photograph

How can I conveniently keep track of aperture and shutter speed information so that I can report that with my photographs? It seems to me that stoping everytime I take a picture to write down all of this is a bit tedious... is this the only way?

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February 03, 2004


Jon Close

(a) Some high-end film cameras record this information (EOS 1v, Maxxum 7, others) so that it can be downloaded to a computer.

Many digital cameras encode this information in the RAW image file and it can be extracted with the appropriate software.

(b) Use a small tape recorder or digital memo recorder and talk to it while shooting

(c) Hire an assistant to do the writing for you ;)

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February 04, 2004 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  I see from your member profile, Jose, that you use a Fuji Finepix digital camera. So Jon's second suggestion above applies to you.

This means you just won the "notebook lottery"... Because you shoot digital, all those settings should be kept in each photograph you make.

Simply use the latest versions of Photoshop (if you have it) or a free program like Exif Reader to get at that information. Search to find Exif Reader or alternative programs.

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February 04, 2004


Shannon Borri
  If you run Windows XP just left click on a photo to display it then right click on the photo in display mode and select properties. A lot of information is there.

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February 10, 2004


Jose A. Hernandez
  I found out how to do it with photoshop, thanks guys.

For any future visits to this Q/A site. If you have photoshop. go to file, select browse. as you browse the photo files all that information is display somewhere on the screen (lower left in case of PS7.0)

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February 10, 2004

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