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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Brienne A. Kelly

Problem with Photoshop

Not sure if this is the correct category...but I was wondering if someone could help me troubleshoot's giving me an error message when I try to save JPEG files. It says that it's unable to save due to a file error? It can save it in any other format (which isn't all that helpful) except JPEG. Thoughts?

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July 05, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Typo in the file name?
But since you say you can save it in any other format, what happens if you save it as a tiff, and then make the tiff a jpeg?
Tiff files are lossless, so making something a tiff doesn't throw away any digits, so you won't get any further compression.

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July 05, 2007


Brienne A. Kelly
  Yeah, I don't know what the problem is. One day it was fine and the next, it didn't work. Probably my computer. I'm working on doing that, and it seems to be working. Thanks!

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July 05, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  When you first loaded Photoshop you were given the option of using a default of file formats or all of the formats the program supports. One possibility is that in your selection, you may have turned off JPEG as a usable file format.

But, I think the more obvious problem lies in the conversion process - RAW to a file which can be saved as a PSD, TIF or JPEG. You need to check this one out - I had the problem that the image I tried to save could be saved in JPEG2000 and not JPEG. Unfortunately, while I corrected the cause of the problem, I can't remember what I did - it was a simple fix, as I recall.

When you try your next save, try saving in JPEG2000. Then try savng in JPEG. If the formaer works and the latter doesn't, we'll know the problem. Remembering the solution, however . . .

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July 13, 2007


Brienne A. Kelly
  I tried the first suggestion and it worked....however this week my hard drive crashed lol. (It's funny now because it's resolved). So I have to reinstall PS anyway. PS was saving everything fine as JPEG and then suddently one day didn't anymore.It's possible that everything was just on the fritz because of my corrupt hard drive...which looking back has been corrupt for awhile. So we'll see how round 2 goes. Thanks for the suggestions!!

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July 14, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  IF that corrupt hard drive that was unstable and eventually crashed was where you stored your photos or where you wanted them to be saved to then that could very well be a possibility.

If the corrupt hard drive has PS installed on it then that could have been affecting something that you didn't know about so it is very well possible that it was caused by the HD.

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July 25, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  IF that corrupt hard drive that was unstable and eventually crashed was where you stored your photos or where you wanted them to be saved to then that could very well be a possibility.

If the corrupt hard drive has PS installed on it then that could have been affecting something that you didn't know about so it is very well possible that it was caused by the HD.

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July 25, 2007


Anne Gro Bergersen
  Have you checked that you are saving in 8 bits and not 16 bits?

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July 28, 2007


Suzanne Colson
  I had the same problem and it ended up being the image was 16 bit as Anne suggested. If you click on the Image menu and Mode you can change if this is the problem.

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July 28, 2007

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