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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 
- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
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More Vista Problems

Update from yesterday..I downloaded the new driver for the printer and now it's telling me to log on as system administrator..which it already says I am. Also my Hypernet won't work because something in Norton, I think, is blocking it..I've turned off the spywear and enabled it to go by the firewall and it still won't work. I'm about to toss this thing out the window.

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June 29, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
I used Norton Antivirus and Norton Systemworks for many years without a problem - until Vista came along. I've set up two computers that came pre-loaded with Norton and both had HUGE problems until I removed Norton and went to a different program. Norton was so screwed up that it blocked itself from connecting to the Internet to download virus updates - crazy!

I've been using Microsoft Live OneCare for several months now with no problems at all. It works well on machines with Vista or XT.

Do I think Microsoft works behind the scenes to give its programs an unfair advantage with its operating system? Probably.

Do I think it furthers their monopoly? Probably.

Do I care? No. Bill Gates can be the richest Bazillionaire in the world and keep getting richer, and it won't bother me one bit if it means my computer will work well when I need it to. And it does most of the time. ;-)

Chris A. Vedros

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June 29, 2007

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Yeah, I've had Norton since I've had a computer, but you might be right. I may just have to dump it. This is ridiculous.

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June 29, 2007


Pete H
  ARRGH! Norton strikes again! LOL

Sorry Carolyn; I'm not laughing at you.
I have heard this time and again from Vista ppl who try to use Norton.
I got rid of Norton totally. A simple (add/remove) will NOT work. You have to download a small program from oddly enough; Norton themselves.

I now use PC-Cillan and it works great!

Chris; don't get me on my soapbox concerning Gates and Microsoft..I get nose bleeds at those altitudes.

I guarantee you this, my next computer WILL be an Apple. LOL


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June 29, 2007


Melissa Defernandez
Yes an Apple is a lot better or try Ubuntu Linux which you can get for free and basically does everything you could want. It even comes with the free Gimp photo editing program. Just a thought.

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July 02, 2007


Glenn E. Urquhart
  Hi Carolyn - My Brother, who is been involved has a high ranking computer engineer since 1970, told me that last week he "ripped out vista and reinstalled MS XP on his personel PC". This guy knows every opperating system used in the last 25 years (Mainframe to PC, IBM, Digital, Sun etc.) and I would not blame Norton or the other few hundred software packages having problems running on Vista.
Sooooo 'Norton' strikes again??? I would say.... MS New Opperating System Strikes again!!!!
This will not help you, but I thought would would like the thoughts of my brother, a computer engineer! Best of luck, Glenn.

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July 02, 2007

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