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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Penny J. Irwin

Strobe Lighting

I recently purchased a set of Strobe lights and I cannot seem to get the setting on my camera right or to obtain a faster shutter speed. I have a Canon 400d and I have it set (per manufactures instructions) at f/11 and the dial on manual. However I cannot seem to make the shutter any faster than BULB. This is so fustrating for me can any one help me?

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June 19, 2007


Jon Close
  In M exposure mode, the shutter speed is changed with the Main Dial (wheel next to the shutter button). BULB is the last setting when the dial is turned left. To get other shutter speeds turn the dial right. Values with " behind them are in full seconds (30" is 30 seconds). Values without the " are in fractions of a second (30 is 1/30 second). The 400D will not sync with electronic flash at shutter speeds faster than 1/200 second. The minimum sync speed with strobes can be slower (maybe 1/90 or 1/60) depending on the particular lights.

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June 19, 2007

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