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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why doesn't my computer read raw images?

I am trying to download photos from a Canon 20D into Photoshop 6.0. My PC is running Windows 2000.The photos were shot in raw mode (engagement photos, which is why I'm in a panic)and when I try to download I get an error message that the software can only read jpgs even though raw images exist in the camera. How do I get around this or would upgrading Photoshop help? Thank you for your help.

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May 24, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  You need Camera RAW for Adobe Elements, or another program (like Photoshop CS3, Picasa, or Helicon Filter) to read the raw images. Elements isn't aimed towards professionals so it doesn't come with raw abilities.

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May 24, 2007


robert G. Fately
  Actually, Ariel, Elements can read RAW files (I use Elements and work on D200 RAW files regularly). The thing is you need to update the program with Adobe's RAW interpreter for the specific camera - every DSLR RAW file is a bit different.

Now I can't speak for Photoshop 6, since that is an older version - but it might be that Adobe just doesn't have a RAW interpreter for that program.

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May 24, 2007

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