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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Adrienne I. Brand

Folding Circular Diffusers

Here's a stupid question: I purchased a 52" round diffuser and can't seem to fold it to get it into it's carrying case. The case is about 20". I know it's got to twist and fold somehow, but I can't get it down small enough to get it back into it's case! I don't want to pop this thing out during a shoot then look like a doofus trying to get it back with folks standing there waiting ... ! Thanks!

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May 15, 2007


Todd Bennett

Leave it to a woman! Just kidding. It is difficult to explain without actually standing there to show you; but, here goes.

You need to hold the diffuser with your hands at the 10 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions (approximately). Then you need to twist your hands in opposite directions. This should fold it in on itself and should form 3 circles from the one. I hope this helps.

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May 15, 2007


Irene Troy
  Adrienne –

First, don’t feel stupid – or at least feel stupid but know you are not alone! You should have seen me the first couple of times I tried folding my diffuser to fit back in its nice little sack! Talk about looking like an idiot! Lol

Okay – holding the circle in front of you; grasp the disk about mid-center and twist one side away from you and the other side toward you; as it turns into itself maintain steady pressure, but not heavy pressure – this seems to make it twist into a nasty bundle rather than into a nice circle. The disk should now collapse onto itself and be easily stowed away in its nice little sack. Try this a few times where no one is looking and you should get the hang of the dang thing. Good luck and laugh today!


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May 15, 2007


Adrienne I. Brand
  Ha! You should have seen both my parents trying to fold the thing - I get my equipment shipped to their house, and when it sprang open in their kitchen I thought it was going to wipe-out the ceiling light!

Okay, so I got it into fourths - it looked like a clover - then it just collapsed into itself, so THANKS to both of you!


~ Adrienne

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May 15, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Glad we could help.

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May 15, 2007


Adrienne I. Brand
  So all I need now is help with moving my furnature...

nyuk nyuk nyuk... ;)

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May 15, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  LOL,LOL Great Job Todd!!!
I have to teach this to every Studio Photography Class and it is fun(as I am sure it was with me as well) to watch them do it a few times before getting it right.
I saw the question and thought ok, how to put this in words, someone can see in minds eye.
but you did it simply and so very well,lol,lol.
except for that women thing,hummm, I thought it was just my dyslicia, not my gender,lol

Have a great day! and yes some laughs :-)
Debby Tabb

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May 15, 2007


Adrienne I. Brand
  ... looks like I need help spelling too! LOL...

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May 15, 2007


Todd Bennett

Feel free to use the explaination in your class, I'll expect my royalties check no later than the 15th of each month. LOL

Have a great day!

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May 15, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
Your so kind Todd!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Thanks for the laughs this morning,

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May 15, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Talk about the potential for getting "wrapped up" in your work. I always knew this was a potentially dangerous business.

Remember: "Hope springs eternal". :>)

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May 15, 2007


Todd Bennett
  LOL Mark.

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May 15, 2007

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