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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Donna Dunbar

Lighting Problem

This weekend, I did several sessions with senior portraits. The problem I had was so weird and I was wondering if anyone had ever had the same problem. I never changed the possition of the lights, and no settings on the camera were changed, yet when I took one portrait, it would be OK and the next would be completely dark. I checked the strobes to see if possibly I had one flash bulb going out, but when I checked them they seemed to go off every time. I'm completely baffled. Any help would be appreciated. Also, could it possibly have anything to do with my memory card? It's been used a lot?

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May 13, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Bad sync cord making inconsistent strobe tripping? Shooting before recharging? Wireless remote has weak batteries? Sync cord pin doesn't connect well with the pc outlet?

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May 13, 2007


Donna Dunbar
  Thanks for your input, I never once thought of the sync cord and it's possible that may be the problem. I'll check it out.

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May 13, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  Gregory gave you all the right answers. Most times, it is just us shooting before the refill on the strobes.
This probably has nothing to do with a CF card. Also moving your lights should never lend a problem as well. I move them constantly as they are on rollers for ease of movement.
I just wanted to assure you that it is most likely something small - as Gregory said, maybe a bad sync and/or connection. Wishing you the best,

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May 14, 2007


Donna Dunbar
  Thanks to both of you for your input, I think I discovered the problem at least part of it, little granddaughter's hands who know better than to be in my studio must have flipped the button on my slave flash so it thought it was the main source which was causing very harsh shadows and even sometimes dark images and making the whole set up out of sync. I just did some test shots and I believe things are ok now. I hope so because I am doing 2 of the shoots again today but I think we'll get the results we want

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May 14, 2007


  Another possibility is that you had spot metering on (if your camera supports it) and you were not in manual. Then slight movement of the camera and/or the subject could result in metering in substantially different places.

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May 15, 2007


Joe Ciccone
  I don't think this was your problem, but just in case...could you have been in a exposure bracket mode?

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May 15, 2007

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