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Make Your Own Backdrop or Background Stand

I was wondering: Has anyone tried making their own background stand or backdrop? If so, how did they turn out? I want to make both a backdrop and a background stand, but I'm on a budget! Plus, I'm a beginner ... so if anyone has any info, please let me know. Thanks!

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April 24, 2007


Sobia Chishti
  Hi Heather,
To make your own backdrops, please go to this BetterPhoto link. I've found the article very helpful and, in fact, have made two of my own backdrops: How to Make Your Own Backdrop
For the background stand, a couple of years ago, my husband made a stand for me from PVC pipes. You can find it in any home improvement store. You can get the pipes in any length and than join them with the joints available in the same aisle. Once the background and the stand is done, you can clip or pin up the background with the stand or you can sew a sleeve in one end of the backdrop and use it to put your pipe in it. I've found the PVC pipes flimsy, though.
Another thing that I did was to hammer two nails in the wall of my garage since that was my first trial studio, and I fastened a rope from one nail to another. I then attached my backdrop with cloth pins. If you find nails and rope ugly, think of putting up a curtain rod, but it will cost you more than mere rope and nails.
You can start with these or you may want to think about spending $100 on the background stand. I hope it helps.

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April 24, 2007


  I recently received two homemade backdrop stands, both made out of PVC pipe. One was all solid but the other was split into 2 foot sections so that I could make it different heights and witdths. If there is someonwhere I can post pictures, I can try to do that. I love how they turned out.

To make the base, you take a 2 T splitters. You would just need 4 short pieces of PVC pipe to put in the T splitters to make it stand. Then how ever tall you want it. Elbow a the top and another piece across. On the top piece, I have curtin rings to hold my backdrops.

Like I said, you could make it as fancy or simple as you want. :) I love mine!

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May 01, 2007


Jo Jones
  I too have one made with PVC. I use 1/2" conduit for my rods to hang the backdrops on. I made the stand so the pole was about 4 ft long with another pole that slid down the center with a hole drilled though the top of the outside section and holes at different levels on the inside sections so it is adjustable for different heights. I use a pin that I got at the hardware store that has a wire hook attached to secure it so the pin can't slip out of the hole. I have a T that slips over the top of the pole, with 2 elbows that stick up. This allows me to hang about 4 backdrops and easily just drop one to the floor to use the next one. It works great and is easy to transport.

Good luck!

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May 01, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  All sound advice and deserves a tip of the hat. Consider fiber glass curtin materila at the Home Improvement store. This is fireproof and a good choice if hot lights are employed.

Alan Marcus

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May 01, 2007


Shirley Fairley
  You can use two lightstands, a pice of wood dowling from the local hardware store and some clamps. The good thing about this is you can use the lightstands for their appropriate use too!

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May 01, 2007

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