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Canon 350D AF problems + 'Squeak'

Help! I'm a pretty amateur photographer (I studied photography for a while at college but that was 15 years ago and I can't really remember anything!) and was getting along fine with my 350D with the 18-55mm lens that came with it and a secondhand 80-200mm canon lens that I bought but it seems to have developed a problem with focusing. Sometimes it just refuses to focus and lets out a high pitched 'squeak'. I'm fairly sure the problem has occured when using both lenses and both indoors with the flash and outside in bright sunshine. I've been using the 'green box' no-brainer setting and also tried Av, M etc. The 'squeak' doesn't occur every time but sometimes when there is a focusing problem and sometimes not. The focusing doesn't seem to be a problem when I switch the lens to MF but I'd rather use AF as I am mostly photographing my wriggling baby son and don't have time to fiddle around.
The camera came with a twelve month warranty but that ran out in January although I think this 'squeaking' started before christmas. Although I've read other threads that discuss AF problems, no-one else has mentioned the squeak.
Any thoughts?

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March 19, 2007


Jon Close
  The squeak and refusal to AF would be a problem with the 2nd-hand lens, not the camera. I'm assuming the 80-200 is the EF 80-200 f/4.5-5.6 (original, USM, or II). Sometimes the AF/MF switch doesn't fully engage the gearing to the AF motor. Try switching it to MF then back fully to AF. Otherwise it is possible the gearing (which is plastic) may be worn or stripped. This is a relatively cheap lens and if it is out of warranty would not be worth the cost to repair it.

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March 20, 2007


  Thanks for you thoughts:

The squeak sounds more electronic than mechanical it sounds like the normal double beep but not. You know how kids toys sound when the batteries run low that kinda thing it sounds when you should get the double beep

I'm mostly using the USM lens that came with the camera and the problem happens with both.

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March 20, 2007

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