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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Atul N. Kanetkar

How to check Camera performance?

The new cameras are quite sophisticated with 1/3 EV set up and while using we realise that for slight change in lighting condition, the camera opts for different setting. But all machines need to be calibrated from time to time. How does one know that camera is working exactly the way its supposed to? If its failing to make these subtle adjustments.. e.g in one review I read the particular Photographer preferred some Exposure compensation for correct exposure. Now this could be his personal preference or the camera is failing to deliver the precise results. I am not a professional myself but very keen to improve!

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March 15, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  Hello, Atul. First, which camera are we talking? The make and model would elicit more replies. Second, you might do some searching for troubleshooting about your camera, starting with you manual. There might be some clues in there that might shed some light on your troubles. Thank you.

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March 16, 2007


Atul N. Kanetkar
  This is a general querry. I own Nikon D80 and satisfied with its performance. But I was wondering how the camera will perform, say two years from now. Do the manufacturers assure lifelong performance? Or we need to service the instrument from time to time. As far as I am concerned, purchasing D80 is a major investment and thats why this anxiety!

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March 16, 2007

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