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HELP did i do something bad?

i think I did something bad. I took an old flash and put it on top of my Nikon D70. it worked well for awhile and then it just stopped working. did I kill my flash circuitry? will my camera not work with a flash anymore? PLEASE help me. I think i'm gonna die.

a desperate michael

PS. the on camera flash works fine
PPS. the batteries in both the camera and flash are fine

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March 02, 2007


Jon Close
  What make/model flash? The D70 should be fine with flashes that generate high trigger voltage in the hotshoe/foot, up to 250v.

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March 02, 2007


  the flash is a UNOMAT BC32T. I also used some other flash that has no name and looks like it was from the Soviet Union. does that help?

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March 02, 2007


  the UNOMAT BC32T is a German flash

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March 02, 2007


Jon Close
  Sorry, I'm not familiar with that one. lists trigger voltages for flashes. Doesn't list the BC32T, but other models from UNOMAT have trigger voltages from 35v to 210v. Yours may be safe to use, but why risk it?

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March 02, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Have you tried another flash, and have you tried the german flash in the hotshoe but gently push it to one side with your hand and see it if flashes? And try the hand thing with another flash too.
If another flash doesn't work at all, maybe there is a short somewhere if all the contacts look clean and not scourered. Or the old flash may not have been an exact fit and the rails of the hot shoe may have been bent slightly up, making the flash not make good contact. That's why I said try pushing the flash to one side with your hand.

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March 02, 2007


  yeah, I tried the pushing around thingy. it didn't work. do you think my camera's flash circuit was fried if the voltage was over 250v? if it was, can it be fixed? thanx for all the good advice,

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March 04, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Yeah, it can be fixed. Try another flash and if it doesn't work, get it fixed.

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March 05, 2007

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