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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Alexa Meisler

Computer Not Reading Camera Software

I have a Nikon D200. I loaded the camera softward onto my PC and it was working fine for a few weeks- now my computer is not seeing my camera when I plug it in to download pictures.

Any ideas? I have already tried to reload the software- but no luck.


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February 23, 2007


John Rhodes
  Alexa, I don't know what is going on, but I do have a recommendation. You should not be downloading dirctly from the camera. If your computer has card reader slots, remove the card from your camera and download from the card. Your computer will see the card as a removable drive. If your computer doesn't have the slots, get a card reader compatible with Compact Flash cards and plug it into a USB port. Same as above, the computer see the card as a removable drive. One big advantage in doing this is that downloading does not use your camera's battery power.


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February 24, 2007


Alexa Meisler
  I do have a card reader slot in my external drive, but I hate to pull the card out each time rather than connecting via USB.

I think the conflict is with a new USB printer I just installed, even though I have 8 USB slots in my tower.

Why do you recommend not downloading directly from the camera?

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February 24, 2007


John Rhodes
  Alexa, The only thing bad that can possibly happen if you remove the card to download is that you forget to take the card out of the reader. You go on a phot shoot only to discover you have left your card at home (spoken from experience). Oh well, that's why I have more than one card in the bag.

To your question: downloading directly from the camera relies on power from your camera's batteries. You'll find you have to recharge less often if you use the card reader.. YTry it, you'll like it!


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February 24, 2007

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