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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Rachel Larson

External Flash - Battery Power?

I am using a Canon 550 flash, which requires 4 AA batteries. I run through tons of batteries during the course of a typical wedding day. I can see in the prints when the batteries are weakening. And I try to change them often enough to keep it firing at full power. I also have the energy saver setting on. Does anyone have any suggestions or tips for this problem?

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February 17, 2007


Jon Close
  Rechargeable NiCad or NiMH AAs will cycle faster than alkalines, but will not last quite as long. The only way to go longer without battery changes is to use an external battery pack. Canon's Compact Battery Pack CP-E3 loads 8 AAs, it's Transistor Pack E uses 6 C cells. There are similar solutions from other companies, such as Quantum Turbo.

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February 18, 2007


Jack Mion
  I take the philosophy "If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em" when it comes to batteries. I also use the Canon 550 and in addition to the 4 batteries in the unit, I keep 2-3 fully charged sets of NiCad batteries with my gear and possibly another set in my pocket. Depending on what I am doing, I have carried a small recharger with me and plugged it in an out of the way place; as a set of batteries weakens, I replace them and put the weak batteries in the charger. Not the best answer, but I got tired of waiting for my flash to recharge or not flashing at all! I've virturally guaranteed myself fresh batteries. After my initial investment in rechargables and the charger, I no longer buy batteries.

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February 20, 2007


John H. Siskin
  I’ve had a quantum Turbo for years. Yes it is expensive, but not only does it give you a lot of shots on a charge it recycles in about 2 seconds. For me the best thing is the fast recycle.
Thanks, John Siskin

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February 20, 2007 - Steve Parrott

Contact Steve Parrott
Steve Parrott's Gallery
  Use the Canon external battery pack, but here is the MOST important thing you can do. Use the Eveready LITHIUM AA batteries. You will not belive how long they last. I have done 3 full weddings on the SAME set of batteries. Always have spares though just in case. I MUCH prefer these to the pain in the butt rechargable types, and alkalines are worthless. Get the Eveready Lithiums... you will NOT be disappointed. A pack of 12 from Sams is $18.

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February 20, 2007

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