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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital Canon Rebel auto flash problems

When we are in auto mode (or any mode for that matter) the flash won't pop-up when needed. We have used the flash in the past and were wondering if at some point we disabled it when we didn't want it during a concert and now we can't figure out how to enable it again.

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January 31, 2007


Jon Close
  There is no setting on the camera that would prevent the flash from popping up. Set the dial to P, and if it doesn't pop up when its button is pressed, then pry it up with your fingers (no harm will come from doing this). If it charges and fires after prying it up, then:

(a) there may be something sticky keeping it from popping up ==> clean the area around the flash;
(b) there is a little spring lever in the hot shoe that should be up and touching the bottom of the metal shoe. If it isn't, the camera thinks there is an accessory flash mounted and will not let the flash pop up.
(c) the servo/springs that pop the flash up may be faulty.

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January 31, 2007

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