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Photography Question 

lyn winans

Soggy CF Cards

Seems my kitten has managed to knock my pouch of CF cards off the table and into the water bowl. I shook the water out of them and have them upside down drying. Will they be usable or should I throw them out ? I don’t want to fry my camera in the name of experimentation. Surely there is someone who has had similar experiences ;>)

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January 18, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Lyn,

Sorry this happend. The card may be OK but; Try immersing the card in alcohol. Best is vodka, next is denatured alcohol from the hardware store. Vodka is best because it is Ethel Alcohol, the other is also Ethel but the denaturing (to go against nature) chemical is an additive to cause vomiting, and it might not dry out without leaving some residue. Pure Ethel will not have any residue. The idea is to displace the water with alcohol as water evaporates slowly whereas alcohol evaporates quickly. Named spirits because in medieval time’s any fluid that rapidly changed state from liquid to gas were perceive to disappear entering into the spirit world. Anyway, alcohol is better because it does not promote oxidation. Who knows if this will save the card but this is the action I would take. OK advice for wet cameras too.

Alan Marcus

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January 18, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Lyn,

Sorry this happend. The card may be OK but; Try immersing the card in alcohol. Best is vodka, next is denatured alcohol from the hardware store. Vodka is best because it is Ethel Alcohol, the other is also Ethel but the denaturing (to go against nature) chemical is an additive to cause vomiting, and it might not dry out without leaving some residue. Pure Ethel will not have any residue. The idea is to displace the water with alcohol as water evaporates slowly whereas alcohol evaporates quickly. Named spirits because in medieval time’s any fluid that rapidly changed state from liquid to gas were perceive to disappear entering into the spirit world. Anyway, alcohol is better because it does not promote oxidation. Who knows if this will save the card but this is the action I would take. OK advice for wet cameras too.

Alan Marcus

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January 18, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  After you think the cards are dry, it would be a good idea to test them in a cheap USB card reader before putting them back into your camera.

Better to risk an easily replaceable card reader than your camera. Try copying a file or two from your computer to the card, then opening the files from the card.

If your computer can read and write to the card in a card reader, then it should be fine in your camera.

Go through this process for each card, then put it in your camera and format it. This way, you'll know all the cards are good before you go out on an important shoot where you need them.

Good luck,
Chris A. Vedros

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January 18, 2007


Ibarionex R. Perello
  I've actually washed my card with my laundry a couple of times. (Never put cards in your pants pockets) and they worked fine when I discovered them later. I have heard of the need of the alcohol treatment mentioned previously and I have not read any documentation that indicates that this is necessary. So, I would avoid going to this extreme. The card reader idea is a good one. In all likelihood, the cards will be fine, but I suggest using the card several times before shooting something "important".

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January 24, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
  I washed Mine as well,lol,lol!
Professional Photographers at work!
Anyway, I left them out on the table for a few days getting air and warmth , tryed them and they too, worked fine.
Oh by theway, that was a good Lexar card, I am not sure some of the x-brands would fair as well.
I have a few small MB cards for doing
families set after set and these have not lasted as long getting lines and specs in them.
Best of luck,

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January 24, 2007


Dawn Cagle
  If the vodka doesn't fix your cards, try mixing it with a little orange juice....You'll being feeling better in no time!

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January 24, 2007

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