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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Caroline Sanders

What's up with my D70s?

I've got a problem with my Nikon D70s all of a sudden, and I haven't a clue what's going on. (see attached image)

I've got a f1.4, 50mm lens on, and was hoping to take some chilled out shots of my nephew on xmas day. This shot is of his toys.

It looks like a really bad screen print! All the colours are way off and separating. What's going on?

I'd very much appreciate it if anyone out there could give me a clue as to what's happened, and ways to get it back on track.


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January 01, 2007


Caroline Sanders
  Pah and play people
Pah and play people
aperture: f1.4, shutter: 1/10, lens: 50mm, location: living room, time of day: early morning

Caroline Sanders

whoops - didn't add the image - sorry!

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January 01, 2007

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