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Photography Question 

Sivakumar Paramjothi

20D concerns


I am new to (digital) SLR camera and almost decided to go for Canon 20D (for the features offered at that price line), but came across a consistent comment that the camera freezes/locks in many sites. Can you please throw some light on this problem? so I can decide to go for this or something else?

(Also the other 2 common limitations that were listed - 1. No spot meter and 2. Flash shadow) I do not understand the impact of these 2 limitations with respect to natural landscape photography that I'm interested most.

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December 27, 2006


Jon Close
  The 20D generally only "freezes/locks" when used with lenses that have incompatible electronic control, such as many Sigma lenses made prior to 2002. It is not a fault in the camera.

The 20D, like most entry- and mid-level EOS bodies of the last 20 years, does not have very narrow spot metering, but instead has Partial metering. Partial metering is simply a larger spot meter, measuring an area of about 8-10% of the viewfinder where a spot meter covers just 3-5%. The difference is immaterial to most users.

Flash shadow can occur with any and all SLR cameras that have a built-in flash. The flash is mounted relatively low on the camera and its light can be blocked by physically large lenses or lens hoods.

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December 28, 2006


Sivakumar Paramjothi
  Thanks Jon for the inputs!

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December 28, 2006

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