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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Debbie E. Payne

I Need Help with LensBabies!

I just got a LensBaby this past summer and it didn't come with very good instructions. Consequently, I haven't used it much. What causes the purple aberrations around the edges of the flowers in this photo? Or is this just something that occurs with the LensBaby? I would like to begin to use this little lens a bit more "smartly".

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December 13, 2006


  "The purple aberrations around the edges of the flowers" are what's known as 'purple fringing', formally 'chromatic abberation'. It occurs in high contrast situations. It is a function of all lenses, but can be optically corrected. Better corrected lenses (read: more expensive) have less of it.

I have no experience with lensbabies.

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December 13, 2006


Debbie E. Payne
  Thank you W.S.
I thought that was what chromatic aberrations were but haven't dealt with them much. If I took this photo in RAW, as well as Large JPEG then I should be able to do something with that perhaps?

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December 13, 2006

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