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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Steven Ruggles


Need some help just acquired a sankyo kohki komure 80-200mm in good allround coudition. the only thing is I got the lens for my canon ae-1 but I can not get it to focus.? but with my canon al-1 have no problem with getting the lens in to focus can anyone explane way

many thanks any help will be much apprecicted


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December 07, 2006


Jon Close
  I've never heard of that lens, but I'm guessing it has maximu aperture in the range of f/4.5-5.6. You should be able to get it to focus with the AE-1, but it'll be more difficult. The AE-1 has a split-image focus aid, surrounded by a micro-prism ring in the center of the viewfinder. These focus aids work best when the lens has a large maximum aperture of f/1.0-f/4. However, as the maximum aperture shrinks, less light makes it through the lens to the focus screen and these aids get progressively darker. At f/4.5-5.6, half of the split image circle may be black. With such lenses you'll have to focus with the matte screen in the rest of the viewfinder.

The AL-1 had an early "autofocus" system with lighted arrows at the bottome of the viewfinder to guide focus. The viewfinder's focus screen does not have the split-prism or micro-prism areas, so looks clearer with a slow lens.

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December 07, 2006


Steven Ruggles
  Many thanks again Jon, much appreciated.

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December 07, 2006

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