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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Michael Warnock

30D, 430EX and strob sync problems

I have a bit of a head scratcher here. I recently upgraded from a D-rebel to a 30D. When doing some studio work with the D-Rebel, I used my 430EX connected to the hotshoe via an off camera cord to trigger my strobes. No problem, worked like a charm.

Since upgrading to the 30D however, I have not been able to use this same set up. The pictures always turn out black, like, waaaaaaay under-exposed. With the 430 pointed at teh subject, I get a good exposure, but undesirable lighting. The strobes fire, but not when the shutter is open.

Here is the head scratcher seems that the strobes are triggered before the shutter opens! Even with a really slow shutter speed, the picture is still black. Is there a pre-flash that may be triggering the strobes before the 430 fires and before the shutter opens? The Red eye reduction is off.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


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November 29, 2006


Justin G.
  I believe there is a pre-flash that is triggering them. I don't have direct experience with the 30D or 430EX but if you put the flash on manual at the lowest setting this may eleviate the pre-flash problem and only output enough light to trigger the strobes. Someone who has more experience with the flashes should chime in soon.

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November 29, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  That may not be a red eye pre-flash but a TTL metering pre-flash. One of those Canon flash models has that. Could be that.

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November 29, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  Actually, all the Canon EX flashes have the E-TTL metering pre-flash.

If the setup was working with your D-Rebel, you may have just been lucky, because it "shouldn't" have worked.

You either need to use a trigger that ignores the pre-flash or delays triggering from the pre-flash. Or, since the 30D has a PC flash jack, you could use that with a hard-wire to the strobes.

There have been some threads lately with good info and links on this stuff, I'll try to find one for you.

Jon Close is the resident expert on Canon's flash system, in my opinion. He has cleared up lots of mysteries for me.

Chris A. Vedros

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November 30, 2006


Michael Warnock
  Thank you all for your input. Justin, your advice seems to have worked. Manual, 1/64th power, caught the flash during the open shutter period.

Thanks again folks!

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December 01, 2006

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