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Photography Question 

Steven Ruggles

manual aperture control m signal

can some one please help. am new to canon fd have just acquired canon ae-1 and what a fantastic camera but it did not come with the canon standard lens it has a tamron sp cf macro 35-80mm with a adaptall 2.when focasing the underexposure and coupling range warning lamp go's out but the manual aperture control still blinks as the tamron lens has no "a" mark will the photo still be sharp & exposure right or will the "m" signal always blink & exposure still be there anything I can do about also unsure now to get the adaptall 2 of the lens as dont want to force it

many thanks any help will be much appreciated


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November 17, 2006


Jon Close
  When used with lenses that do not have the A setting on the aperture ring, the AE-1 cannot do autoexposure. Aperture and shutter speed have to both be set manually using stop-down metering. The "blinking M" in the viewfinder is normal in this case.

To do stop-down metering, push the depth of field preview (aka stop-down lever) in and lock it. Looking at the front of the camera, this lever is on the lower right side of the lens mount. Focus with the aperture set wide open so that the viewfinder is bright, then adjust the aperture and shutter speed such that when the shutter button is half-pressed the meter needle in the viewfinder aligns with the battery-check/stop-down mark (next to "5.6"). Leave the stop-down level locked down so long as the lens is being used on the camera, but you must release it to change lenses.

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November 17, 2006


Steven Ruggles
  Many thank's jon with out a manual I was a bit lost even with one I would have still been lost. you can't beat accumulated knowledge when dealing with this sort of camera.

many thanks again for your time & getting back to me so quickly is very much appreciated


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November 17, 2006

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