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Photography Question 

Inspirations by Kristy

Lighting with a black backdrop

I am having problem with my settings. My canon eos 20d setting are at iso 100 and 125/22. My 750 light head is at 1/8 power. I am photographing a black back drop with one light head with a small soft box. My problem is that I have lines going through my pictures. I know there is too much light coming in. I just dont know if I should change my setting on the camera or the lighting.
If anyone can help fast I would greatly appreciate it.


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November 06, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  looks like NOISE to me, have you tried more power on the ighting? or going down to f8 or f4? usually means its under exposed.. or you can try to up your exposure comp a stop or two.. I dunno.. but it does look under exposed to my eyes!

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November 07, 2006


  Agree with Craig. Not enough exposure. 1/125 at F8 would already be a 2-stop improvement.
OR get more light: why only 1/8 power from your strobe? 1/2 would also improve 2 stops.
You may want a reflector to open up the shadows.

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November 07, 2006


Inspirations by Kristy
  I will try this and show the results, thank you.
I have a noise plug in. BUT, I dont want to always fix my pictures. I want to do it right the first time. Right?


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November 07, 2006


Inspirations by Kristy
Ok, here is my problem now. The picture looks fine. But my back drop is showing all the imperfections. They are soming out ok but I need a better black. Settings are iso 100 At f8 1/2 power on strobe.

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November 07, 2006


Inspirations by Kristy
Ok, here is my problem now. The picture looks fine. But my back drop is showing all the imperfections. They are soming out ok but I need a better black. Settings are iso 100 At f8 1/2 power on strobe.

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November 07, 2006


Philip M. Snyder
  Ok Now that I am in the right thread so I can see the pictures.

HAHAHAHA I am new here so please bear with me.

It looks to me like you are exposing for the background instead of your subject. And the exposure is a bit hot.

I would say that you would want the black to actually be black with some texture and then you want the subject fairly white. So I would just take a couple of test shots with out the subject to get the background right. Then once you have the settings you want then place the subject and shoot with those settings. If the subject is too hot then make a 1/3 stop lower if the subject is too undercooked. Then 1/3 stop higher. Baby steps really. That way hopefully you will find the exact exposure you want.

Best wishes,


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November 18, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Back up the background or block light from getting to it so the exposure for the background is lower for the exposure for the dog.

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November 18, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
I agree with Gregory,
Try using a black shade on that window, or fit a pice of cardboard to the window to block as much light as possible , but can be removed easily when you are not shooting.
then put about 25 inches between you pup and the back drop.
This will help all this Alot!
This will be a issue again as you backdrop fades in color(over time).
I hope this helps,
Debby Tabb

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November 20, 2006


  Is this what you're aiming for, Kristy?

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November 20, 2006


Is this what you're aiming for, Kristy?

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November 20, 2006


Is this what you're aiming for, Kristy?
(3rd time lucky...?)

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November 20, 2006


  Black Xmas
Black Xmas


Is this what you're aiming for, Kristy?
(3rd time lucky...?)

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November 20, 2006

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